
Reporting on nature-based financial indicators

Last fall, the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) published the final TNFD framework for corporate reporting on nature-related financial indicators.

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, the TNFD announced that 320 companies and financial institutions have already committed to publishing relevant information in their annual reports – including leading listed companies and some of the world’s largest financial institutions.

The numerous commitments show that investors and companies recognize the impact of natural degradation on their business models and portfolios as well as their dependencies and should therefore consider them as strategic risks and investment opportunities.

The TNFD framework serves as a guide for companies and financial institutions. It supports them in identifying, assessing, managing and reporting their nature-related financial impacts, risks and opportunities – so that nature and biodiversity are incorporated into their business decisions.

With the new EU reporting obligation (CSRD), companies will have to report on impacts, opportunities and risks related to the environment and biodiversity.

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