The IPCC report

Born in 1980? In 2050, when you are 70 years old, it will be 1.5 to 2 degrees warmer worldwide than it was in the year you were born.
This is according to the latest Synthesis Report on the IPPC’s 6th Assessment Report. The observed and projected changes in global surface temperature (1900-2020 and 2021-2100) compared to the previous period (1850-1900) show how the climate has already changed and how it will continue to change over three generations (born in 1950, 1980, and 2020). The future scenarios presented show the impact of various possible emissions trends on global temperature, with changes shown as climate stripes (warming stripes). The color gradients in the generation figures correspond to the global climate stripes in each year – with the colors for future years depending on the scenario that occurs.